
Tea tree Learn more about Tea tree

  • What is the difference between big tree tea and ancient tree tea?

    What is the difference between big tree tea and ancient tree tea?

    At present, there is no specific distinction between big tree tea and ancient tree tea in our country, so many people can only distinguish between them in terms of tree age. What is the difference between big tree tea and ancient tree tea? What is the difference between big tree tea and ancient tree tea? Big tree tea and ancient tree tea can be obtained from

    2020-11-09 Big tree tea and old tree what is the difference at present our country
  • Management of tea tree crown

    Management of tea tree crown

    1. Tea pruning is an important measure in crown management. Pruning includes stereotyped pruning in infancy, light and deep pruning in adult tea gardens, re-pruning and table cutting in aging tea gardens. The main results are as follows: (1) stereotyped pruning of young tea trees: 3 or 4 times of stereotyped pruning in young tea trees can inhibit the apical dominance of the trunk of young tea trees, promote the germination of axillary buds, increase the number of backbone branches, and quickly form a robust picking surface with a certain height. The first stereotyped pruning of ① was carried out after the cuttings were transplanted. When the transplanted seedlings are as high as 25cm

  • When will the tea tree blossom and bear fruit?

    When will the tea tree blossom and bear fruit?

    Tea seed is the fruit formed by pollination, growth and maturity after flowering. But tea seed is divided into camellia seed and tea tree seed, which can not only extract the tea oil as edible, but also grind the remaining tea residue into powder to make natural tea seed powder.

    2020-11-09 When will tea trees blossom and bear fruit? tea seeds yes tea trees.
  • How to treat the disease of falling leaves of tea tree?

    How to treat the disease of falling leaves of tea tree?

    Tea tree is a kind of plant that can produce tea, like the warm and humid climate, so how to treat the disease of tea leaves? 1. The growth habits of tea trees Tea is a shrub or small tree of the family Theaceae and Camellia. Southwest China is the origin of tea trees.

    2020-11-08 Tea tree leaf loss disease how cure tea tree yes can to production
  • Migrant workers returning home in Xishui, Guizhou "light up" the economy of ancient tea trees

    Migrant workers returning home in Xishui, Guizhou

    Migrant workers returning home in Xishui, Guizhou "light up" the economy of ancient tea trees

  • Technical measures for Prevention of Heat damage in Tea trees

    Technical measures for Prevention of Heat damage in Tea trees

    The heat damage of tea tree refers to the meteorological disaster which results in the reduction of tea production, the hindrance of tea tree growth or the death of tea plant under the condition of long-term high temperature and dry climate. Tea is native to the subtropics and belongs to perennial evergreen plants. It has the habit of being warm, humid, shady and afraid of drought. When the persistent high temperature and excessive drought, the red sun is hot, the rainfall is less, and the air relative humidity is less than 50%, the transpiration of the leaves is enhanced, and the water absorbed by the roots can not make up for the consumption of the aboveground part, thus withering and falling leaves of the tea tree, and even death. To prevent the heat damage of tea trees, except to choose heat-resistant tea trees.

  • The difference between tea tree, camellia flower, camellia and scented tea

    The difference between tea tree, camellia flower, camellia and scented tea

    The difference between tea tree, camellia flower, camellia and scented tea

  • Planting mode between tea and fruit

    Planting mode between tea and fruit

    Tea is an important economic crop in our country, which is planted in many areas, and when planting tea, we can also plant some fruit trees according to the actual situation. First, what is the planting mode between tea and fruit? The way of planting between tea fruits is in tea.

    2020-11-08 Between tea and fruit planting way tea is our country important a kind
  • Which kind of tea tree is better?

    Which kind of tea tree is better?

    The best kind of tea tree is the wild ancient tea tree, which generally refers to those whose age is more than 300 years old, and their taste will be particularly mellow. Other tea trees are also good, such as Tieguanyin, Narcissus, bergamot and so on.

    2020-11-08 Which kind tea tree than better abstract the best the best variety
  • Can pregnant women eat tea mushrooms?

    Can pregnant women eat tea mushrooms?

    Can pregnant women eat tea mushrooms?

  • Tea planting techniques: how to trim tea trees?

    Tea planting techniques: how to trim tea trees?

    How to trim the tea tree? Please introduce that tea pruning is an artificial measure to restrain the growth advantage of top main branches, which can stimulate buds in lower growing parts to sprout new branches, enhance tree potential, and cultivate high-yield and high-quality crowns. The main pruning methods of tea trees are fixed pruning of young tea trees, light pruning and deep pruning of adult tea trees.

  • Tea tree pruning method

    Tea tree pruning method

    Tea tree pruning is a measure to control and regulate the distribution and movement of nutrients in tea trees properly according to the natural conditions, age and growth habits of varieties on the basis of comprehensive management of soil, fertilizer and water in tea gardens, so as to make rational use and distribution of nutrients. However, it must be closely coordinated with fertilizer and water management, combined with leaf collection and retention, and pay attention to pest control in order to make tea trees recover quickly and grow well after pruning. The first pruning of young tea trees, its height and branch thickness, the strength of future branches, points

  • The pruning method of tea tree

    The pruning method of tea tree

    Tea tree pruning is a measure to properly control and regulate the distribution and operation of nutrients in tea trees on the basis of comprehensive management of soil, fertilizer and water in tea garden, according to local natural conditions, tree age and variety growth habits. a measure to make rational use and distribution of nutrients. However, it must be closely coordinated with fertilizer and water management, combined with collecting and retaining leaves, and pay attention to the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests in order to make tea trees recover quickly and grow well after pruning. The first stereotyped pruning of young tea trees, its height and branch thickness, as well as the strength and branching of subsequent branches.

  • College students who return to their hometown plant organic tea through ancient tea trees.

    College students who return to their hometown plant organic tea through ancient tea trees.

    College students who return to their hometown plant organic tea through ancient tea trees.

  • Light pruning and Deep pruning of mature Tea trees

    Light pruning and Deep pruning of mature Tea trees

    Light pruning (1) Light pruning: the purpose of light pruning is to promote the germination and growth of tea buds, increase production density and enhance the growth of tea trees. it is an indispensable technical measure to create and cultivate good picking surface. The degree of light pruning is to cut off 3-5 cm of branches and leaves on the surface, or you can cut off the autumn shoots of last year, leaving summer shoots. In the form of light pruning of small and medium-sized leaf tea trees, it is appropriate to cut the surface into an arc, which can increase the width of the picking width and is beneficial to increase the yield per unit area. For young and adult tea trees, light pruning can be carried out every year or every other year.

  • What if the leaves of the potted tea trees at home turn yellow? Let's see what the florist does!

    What if the leaves of the potted tea trees at home turn yellow? Let's see what the florist does!

    China has had the habit of drinking tea since ancient times, and the planting of tea trees is also relatively extensive. And many friends who like to grow flowers and grass make tea trees into potted plants. What if the leaves of the potted tea trees at home turn yellow? Let's see what the florist does! Introduction of tea tree, 1. Tea trees belong to shrubs or small trees.

  • Tea tree picking technology

    Tea tree picking technology

    (2) Tea picking: the object of tea picking is the new shoot, which is the main nutritional organ of tea tree and the "factory" for tea tree to produce nutrients. in order to solve this contradiction, the key is to carry out reasonable picking. Reasonable picking is to correctly solve the relationship between picking and retaining leaves according to the growth characteristics of tea trees. Through picking, we can achieve the combination of increasing yield and improving quality, increasing production in the same year and season and prolonging the economic age of tea trees. Tea picking should master the following links. 1. In accordance with the standards and

  • What can't tea mushroom be eaten with?

    What can't tea mushroom be eaten with?

    What can't tea mushroom be eaten with?

  • What if the leaves of the potted tea trees at home turn yellow? Let's see what the florist does!

    What if the leaves of the potted tea trees at home turn yellow? Let's see what the florist does!

    China has had the habit of drinking tea since ancient times, and the planting of tea trees is also relatively extensive. And many friends who like to grow flowers and grass make tea trees into potted plants. What if the leaves of the potted tea trees at home turn yellow? Let's see what the florist does! First, tea trees

    2020-11-09 At home potted plants tea trees leaves yellow how to do have a look
  • Cultivation techniques of tea plant

    Cultivation techniques of tea plant

    Temperature is the basic condition for the life activity of tea trees. It not only affects the geographical distribution of tea, but also restricts the growth rate of tea. The effect of temperature on tea tree is mainly manifested in two aspects: air temperature and soil temperature. Air temperature mainly affects the growth of aboveground parts, while ground temperature mainly affects the growth of roots. But air temperature and ground temperature are interrelated. As far as temperature is concerned, tea trees from the tropics to temperate zones can adapt widely. But as far as growth is concerned, there are three basic points of temperature, that is, the threshold temperature for the growth of tea trees, suitable temperature and low temperature.
